- Luke Gould, President and CEO, Mackenzie Investments
I am extremely proud that Mackenzie was selected to be the lead sponsor of PRI in Person 2024. At our company, sustainability is a foundational quality at the core of our values and purpose. We run our business to the same standards we expect from the companies in which we invest.
Core to our efforts is the integration of material ESG risks and opportunities for the majority of our funds1, across our 16 investment boutiques, which are supported by our sustainability center of excellence (COE) through the development of capabilities, including sustainability research and insights, stewardship and disclosures.
We also bring product innovation to the market with solutions that give clients choice when prioritizing a sustainable future. Our Mackenzie Greenchip Global Environmental All Cap Fund is focused on the energy transition and was designated the #1 thematic sustainable investment fund in Canada in 20232.
Our fixed income mandates offer unique opportunities to invest in use of proceeds bonds with responsible issuers that are prioritizing the transition. Additionally, our Mackenzie Betterworld mandates and the Mackenzie Corporate Knights Global 100 Index ETF and Fund give clients the opportunity to invest in responsible companies that are producing solutions to create a sustainable future.
Our achievements would not be possible without our dedicated, passionate and talented people who are aligned with our purpose and who believe that what we do matters in the lives of our clients and benefits society. I am honoured that Mackenzie has been recognized as one of Glassdoor’s 25 Best Places to Work in Canada in 2023, and our parent company, IGM Financial, was once again included in the list of Canada’s Top 100 Employers as well as Best Diversity Employers.
We are actively working with the PRI team to host meaningful and purpose-driven discussions at PRI in Person. We look forward to seeing you there.
1 Not all of our funds integrate ESG, refer to the prospectus for details
2 Source: Morningstar Direct, Manager Research. Data as of Dec. 31, 2023. Excludes funds of funds. All data reported in CAD.
Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.
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