Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity

Inception: May 2018

Benchmark: MSCI Emerging Markets Small Cap Index

Lead Portfolio Manager: Arup Datta, MBA, CFA

Investment Adviser: Mackenzie Investments Corporation

Portfolio Advantage

  • Core focus that aims to add value across a variety of market conditions
  • Nimble process that incorporates daily changes in stock alpha rankings
  • Daily rebalancing and trading using predictive transaction cost modelling with a focus on capacity management

Investment Philosophy

The Mackenzie Global Quantitative Equity team believes a core style of investing that employs fundamental ideas in a systematically disciplined, risk-aware manner can generate alpha in most market environments. Our team’s priority in executing the investment process is to remain nimble in seeking to generate alpha for clients. To retain this advantage, we use a proprietary transaction cost model and focus on capacity.

Investment Approach

  • Bottom-up, quantitative stock selection process is applied to a broad investable universe of over 7,000 securities from 24 emerging markets countries and a select number of frontier countries.
  • Stocks are analyzed through a region/sector relative model framework. Individual stock weights are assigned based upon sub-factors, which are grouped into the four aggregate factors, Value, Revisions, Quality and Informed Investor.
  • Contextual modeling is utilized to further refine the weights of factors assigned to stocks.
  • The priority in executing the investment process is to remain nimble in seeking to generate alpha for clients. 


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The Mackenzie Emerging Markets Small Cap Composite contains fully discretionary Emerging Markets Small Cap accounts. New accounts are included in the Composite beginning with the first full month under management after they have been fully invested.

GIPS Compliance Statement

Mackenzie Investments claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®).

Composite Description

The Emerging Markets Small Cap Composite seeks to provide long-term capital appreciation and outperform its benchmark (MSCI EM Small Cap Index). The strategy applies a quantitative, bottom-up stock selection investment process, based on fundamental insights, to emerging and selected frontier markets across small-cap stocks. The investment process focuses on a succinct, high conviction set of factors, which are applied within the context of a region/sector/industry relative model. The composite was created on May 1, 2018. 

Benchmark Description

The benchmark is the MSCI Emerging Markets Small Cap Index, net of withholding taxes. The MSCI Emerging Markets Small Cap Index includes small cap representation across 24 emerging markets countries. The index covers approximately 14% of the free float adjusted market capitalization in each country. 

List of Composites

A complete list of composite descriptions is available to prospective clients upon request. Please contact Dean Silver at dean.silver@mackenzieinvestments.com.