Mackenzie Greenchip Team

"We believe the great energy transition is an unprecedented opportunity for asset owners"

Philosophy and process

The Mackenzie Greenchip Team believes that as resource and environmental issues become more challenging, prices will be forced to adjust and strong “blue chip” companies operating in the green economy will be in great demand. Having focused exclusively on environmental sectors for over a decade, we have a deep knowledge of these sectors and are confident that through our sustainability thesis, combined with a proven value discipline, we can continue to pursue superior returns for our investors. We apply intensive due diligence and only hold stocks when we see significant discounts to intrinsic value.

Meet the portfolio managers

John A. Cook, CIM

Senior Vice President, Portfolio Manager, Team Co-Lead
Mackenzie Greenchip Team

John Cook, Senior Vice President, is a Portfolio Manager, responsible for Investor Engagement and Team Co-Lead with the Mackenzie Greenchip Team.

John’s career in the investment industry began in 1991. He was President of Greenchip Financial Corp. since it was founded in 2007 and became part of Mackenzie Investments in 2021. Prior to Greenchip, John led corporate development at one of Canada’s largest innovation hubs. He has also held a number of executive positions at Canadian mutual fund companies.

John holds a BA from Queen's University and the Chartered Investment Manager (CIM) designation.

Gregory Payne, PhD, CFA

Senior Vice-President, Portfolio Manager, Team Co-Lead Mackenzie Greenchip Team
Mackenzie Greenchip Team

Gregory Payne, Senior Vice-President, Investment management, is a Portfolio Manager and Team Co-Lead with the Mackenzie Greenchip Team.

Greg’s career in the investment industry began in 1999 with over a decade focused exclusively on environmental sectors. Prior to joining the Greenchip team, Greg held several roles with increasing responsibilities within the portfolio management team for a large capital management firm with over $200 million of retail and institutional client assets.

Greg holds a BSc from the University of Western Ontario, and both an MA and PhD in Economics from the University of Toronto. He is also a CFA charterholder.



Does the great energy transition trump political change?

In 2024, over 50 countries will hold national elections. In its Q2 commentary, the Greenchip team explores if political dynamics and leadership changes could impact the momentum of the great energy transition.

Creating a more sustainable economy

John A. Cook, Portfolio Manager of the Mackenzie Global Environmental Equity Fund and Co-Lead of Mackenzie Investments’ Greenchip Team discusses the importance of investing in environmental solutions.

Global Energy Transition: An opportunity to invest to drive change

Mackenzie Greenchip Team Portfolio Managers John Cook and Greg Payne share their investment thesis, sector outlook and investment strategy of the Mackenzie Global Environmental Equity Fund.


Global electricity grid: energy transition linchpin or bottleneck?

The Mackenzie Greenchip Team explores how rebuilding and expanding the global electricity grid is essential to a successful energy transition.


2023 Environmental outlook

Our sustainability experts weigh in on the challenges and opportunities in the environmental space. 


When it comes to EV battery-making – China dominates

John Cook examines battery manufacturing and what this means for our future, and Greenchip Portfolios.


Green Thematic Report

Sustainable Thematic Equity Strategies: Global Environmental All Cap Equity and Global Environmental Equity


Mackenzie’s Sustainable Investing Policy

Read more to find out about the ESG factors that govern Mackenzie’s investment process. 


The $2.5 Trillion Window for Diversification and Opportunity

In this article, Institutional Investor speaks with Greenchip Team about their approach to investing and how they’ve developed a keen sense for spotting value in the companies the strategy invests in.


Tattooing “responsible” onto investment strategies

Traditional investment products are increasingly being tattooed with labels like “sustainable,” “ESG” and “low carbon.” In our opinion, it’s diverting “willing” capital away from the climate solutions we so desperately need.

Three emerging forces influencing the Great Energy Transition

John Cook offers his views on higher for longer interest rates, deglobalization and clean technology realism.

The carbon calculation conundrum

Find out more about carbon emissions metrics and how they can be both helpful and harmful when making investment decisions.

Contact us to learn more about Mackenzie Greenchip.