- US$3.3 trillion4 – the estimated annual capital required globally to upgrade critical infrastructure needed for societal advancement, and governments are increasingly providing incentives to facilitate this through private partnerships.
Private Markets Outlook
Strong tailwinds propel private market investor demand
In our first Mackenzie Northleaf Private Markets Outlook, Northleaf experts share their views on where they see opportunities and growth in the near future.

To read the full private markets outlook, along with insights into how these investments may fit into an investor portfolio, please click the download button below.
Private markets have long been a source of enhanced alpha, uncorrelated returns and diversification. Yet they remain a largely untapped opportunity for individual investors. With an increasing number of private companies and a shrinking public market, Northleaf expects to see continued need for capital in private markets and an exciting time for investors to play a part in the growing opportunity.
Private Equity
Investor appetite for mid-market secondaries continues to grow
- 2x asset class growth – global private equity AUM has grown significantly over the past decade from about US$5 trillion in 2013 to approximately US$10 trillion today.
- Secondaries as liquidity solution – as many PE Funds are holding their private equity investments for longer, investors are increasingly looking to the secondary market to help manage portfolios, freeing up cash flow to pursue new opportunities, rebalance exposures and manage risks.
- 278% increase in transactions1 – the expected growth in secondary deal flow through the end of 2024 from 2016. As private market assets grew over the last decade by about 15% annually, Northleaf expects the secondary transaction volumes to continue that trend upwards.
Private Credit
Private credit to benefit from attractive yields
- Capitalizing on tightening bank regulations – between the outcomes of the global financial crisis in 2007 and the more recent regional banking challenges in the US, stricter banking regulations are fueling demand for more private credit lending deals as borrowers still need capital to grow their businesses.
- Attractive returns – with base rates currently above 5%, senior secured loans to high-quality mid-market companies are generating a considerable return premium, strong capital preservation and lower volatility compared to public fixed-income options.2
- 275% asset class growth3 – of private credit assets under management over the last decade. Northleaf expects this to continue and will top US$2.7 trillion by 2028, highlighting significant opportunity.
Private Infrastructure
Demand for infrastructure assets set to soar

To read the full private markets outlook, along with insights into how these investments may fit into an investor portfolio, please click the download button below.
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1Source: Evercore H1 2024 Secondary Market Review. Estimated FY 2024 transaction volume annualized based on H1 2024 stated volume.
2As of December 31, 2023. Source: Cliffwater Direct Lending Index: Senior Only (CDLI-S); Pitchbook/LCD. USD. Senior secured loans: Cliffwater Senior Direct Lending Loan Index (11.8%), Broadly syndicated loans index: Morningstar LSTA US Leveraged Loan Index (10.1%), High yield bonds index: S&P U.S. High Yield Corporate Bond Index (7.9%).
3Source: https://www.preqin.com/insights/research/reports/future-of-alternatives-2028
4Source: Source: McKinsey analysis; McKinsey Global Institute analysis, https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/operations/our-insights/bridging-global-infrastructure-gaps
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