Your solution for steady cashflow

Mackenzie Monthly Income Portfolios

Income, stability and growth: an option for
every investor

Mackenzie Monthly Income Portfolios

Why Mackenzie Monthly Income Portfolios?

Income-seeking investors, such as retirees, have a common dilemma. They need their investments to provide reliable income, but they also need growth so that their savings don’t run out. Mackenzie Monthly Income Portfolios are designed to provide growth and consistent income, while also protecting investments from market volatility.

Risk mitigation

Risk management strategies on both equity and fixed income reduce the effects of severe market declines to help your portfolio through volatility.

Cash flow

The portfolios are designed to provide consistent cash flow, with a reliable 4% fixed rate monthly distribution that can help you cover regular expenses.*


The portfolios are well diversified across regions and asset classes to grow your investment.

Investor guide

Find out what you need to know about planning retirement income.

Managing three key risks in retirement

As an increasing number of Canadians enter retirement, they need to rethink how their portfolios are constructed. Nelson Arruda explains.

Our selection

Discover our suite of funds to meet your investment goals and preferred risk.

Insights and education


At a glance

Find the details of each Monthly Income Portfolio, including geographic allocation, portfolio characteristics and performance.


Quarterly fund review

A detailed look at how the Monthly Income Portfolios performed in the previous quarter, including commentary from the portfolio managers.


Investor guide

Find out how market volatility can derail your retirement plans and how to protect your retirement savings from market crashes.


Limiting downside with a hedging strategy

Learn how we use long put options and short call options to reduce the Monthly Income Portfolios’ losses during a market downturn.


How the sequence of returns can impact your retirement

For investors entering retirement, growing their investments is vital if their savings are to last, but protecting them from downturns is also crucial.


Delivering portfolio outcomes
with next generation thinking

Drawing on deep institutional experience, the team builds modern portfolios designed for specific investment objectives, whatever the future may bring. 

More managed solutions

Mackenzie ETF Portfolios

Diversified investment exposure, managed with an institutional quality approach to asset allocation and risk. Mackenzie ETF Portfolios offer the low cost of ETFs and the ease of mutual funds in a single solution.

Symmetry Portfolios

Symmetry Portfolios combine expert asset allocation with sophisticated design. The result is a suite of flexible solutions that are fully integrated and meticulously managed for risk.

* For distributions greater than 4%, the Mackenzie Monthly Income Portfolios are also available in Series T.

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

The payment of distributions is not guaranteed and may fluctuate. The payment of distributions should not be confused with a fund’s performance, rate of return or yield. If distributions paid by the fund are greater than the performance of the fund, your original investment will shrink. Distributions paid as a result of capital gains realized by a fund, and income and dividends earned by a fund are taxable in your hands in the year they are paid. Your adjusted cost base will be reduced by the amount of any returns of capital. If your adjusted cost base goes below zero, you will have to pay capital gains tax on the amount below zero.

The content of this web page (including facts, views, opinions, recommendations, descriptions of or references to, products or securities) is not to be used or construed as investment advice, as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, or an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any entity or security cited. Although we endeavour to ensure its accuracy and completeness, we assume no responsibility for any reliance upon it.